Here and gone again
Last weekend we finally had our first big snow of the season. Some areas north of the city got as much as 14 inches of snow and temps dipped into the teens. Saturday morning James and I geared up and went to Lippold. After a brief detour looking for more suitable sites that included a little off-roading behind a school and pushing James' car out of the snow, we made it back to Lippold's north field and rigged the big kites.
Our first run out, we were LIT!! The wind was clearly stronger than anticipated so we promptly rigged up smaller kites which turned out to be perfect. We spent the next 4 hours shredding the new powder on my 10m and James on his 14. It was great! I was able to go upwind at will for the first time, so that means no more walking upwind!! This makes the sport so much more enjoyable because you're not interrupted from riding every 10 minutes by a long walk upwind (which is even longer in deep snow). We rode until our legs were shaking and could no longer hold us up.
Sunday morning came too early and I eased my sore muscles out of bed. I called James and we decided to find some fresh powder elsewhere. We ended up at Melas park where I went straight to the small kite. James and Paul showed up about half an hour later and we ripped up the clean powder for the next 4 hours. Again I was cruising upwind at will and even venturing to launch a few jumps. Most of which resulted in catching a face full of snow, but I did manage to land a few as well.
Now as the temps near 40 degrees, I'm left waiting for more...